Living Rooms
Amanda McCavour and Aidan Urquhart
“There is no need for you to leave the house. Stay at your table and listen. Don’t even listen, just wait. Don’t even wait, be completely quiet and alone. The world will offer itself to you to be unmasked; it can’t do otherwise; in raptures it will writhe before you.”
- Franz Kafka, The Zürau Aphorisms (1931)
How we approach space says a lot about who we are - our beliefs, our interests, our behaviours, our way of life. Visual art continues to play a significant role in determining how space is organized and defined both in public and private contexts. What meanings can we derive from space? What does public space say about community? What does private space say about family life? What, in fact, makes up a “room”? The exhibition “Living Rooms” seeks to tackle these questions while raising several others; it examines space as a physical object and as a symbolic idea. The paintings and installations presented here are subject to the viewer’s own notions of space, challenging the ways in which space is interpreted, consumed, and imagined.