The gallery will be closed Sunday February 16th due to inclement weather. Sorry for any inconvenience.

A reminder to our weekly children’s classes that there are no children’s classes scheduled on family day weekend.

Have a great long weekend! Keep safe and warm!

Image credit: Christie Gruppe, Resilience II, 2024, hand built mid-range clay with mixed media finishes.

Winter Classes

Winter classes and workshops start soon. Book your space today!

March Break Camp

Registration is now open while spaces last!

Summer Camp

Registration opens Tuesday March 11th at 10:00am!

The Artist Incubator
Studio Program

Artist Atelier: Studio Open! Visit the artists on Thursdays:

February 6th/20th: 6 - 8pm

February 13th/27th: 1 - 4pm

The door is open and all are welcome.

Find the perfect gift and see all of the talents of our local potters’ guild on display in the lower gallery!