Board Nomination Process

At Glenhyrst, the process of selecting individuals to serve on the Board of Directors is crucial for the effective governance and strategic direction of our organization. The nomination process is designed to ensure that we have a diverse and talented group of individuals who bring valuable skills and perspectives to the table.

Nominations typically require the submission of a nomination form outlining the nominee's qualifications, experience, and reasons for seeking a position on the board.

Once the nomination is received, the Nomination Committee reviews the candidate to ensure they meet the criteria outlined in the bylaws. This committee then presents a slate of candidates to the full board for approval. The final list of candidates is typically voted on by the current membership during the annual general meeting. Nominations need to be received 30 days before the Annual General Meeting, normally in mid-February.

It is essential to note that our nomination process is transparent, inclusive, and focused on selecting individuals who are committed to advancing Glenhyrst's mission and values. The Board of Directors plays a critical role in guiding the organization towards its goals, and the nomination process is the first step in ensuring we have the right people in place to lead us forward.

Please find below information about the role of a Director at Glenhyrst, to determine, if you feel we are a suitable fit for you or someone you are nominating.  Although this is a volunteer role, there are some significant yet rewarding expectations.

 1)  Committee involvement:  Firstly, all board members must participate in at least one committee, in addition to our regular meetings.  Organizational committees are created to help organize events which rely on your local partnerships and knowledge. With each event, set up and tear down is a mandatory part of the process and requires physical labour. All members of the committee are asked to participate in every faucet of the event.  

2) Availability:  Regular board meetings are in Brantford at the gallery and happen 9 times per year for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours per meeting.  If you participate on an organizing committee, there are also in person meetings as a requirement of those Committees – usually monthly meetings for six months prior to the event – 2 to 3 hours per meeting.  We also hope to have your attendance at some Glenhyrst events – we have over 40 events annually.

3) Community resources – We are a governance board. Board members are also asked to assist with member recruitment and fundraising.  As a result, there is an expectation that our board members have some local resources/connections and/or other local community involvement.

4) According to the laws of Ontario, a Board member for a not for Profit corporation must not currently be bankrupt, so a credit check will also be required.

5) All nominated individuals must be members of Glenhyrst Art Gallery 30 days before the AGM.

ALL individuals nominated should review our By-laws prior to being nominated.

Nomination Application